Monday 14 March 2011

Script Re-draft

Script Re-draft

Due to complications with the horse rider, we will be unable to film with the horse.  We have decided to have Billy taking the same journey to the house, but walking, and having flashbacks of his time spent with Elizabeth.  Here is the new Script... 

Letter Sequence

Black screen fades up in a circle to show the candle, and continues to expand until we see the full screen

Close up of candle. Complete darkness around - Camera zooms out and shows Billy writing a letter - Narrative of what Billy is writing.

Sweet incomparable Elizabeth,
Mid shot of letter from behind Billy's shoulders.

BILLY what a strange effect you have on my heart! I look back, and in every one point, 
every word and gesture, every letter, every silence, you have been entirely perfect to me, 
I would not change one word, one look.

Close up of Billy's face.

God knows I wish you happy, & when I quit you, or rather when you from a sense 
of duty to your husband & mother quit me, you shall acknowledge the truth of what I 
again promise & vow, that no other in word or deed shall ever hold the place in my 
affection which is & shall be most sacred to you, till I am nothing.

Camera is in front of Billy's desk. Camera pulls slowly back to a long shot.

 You know I would with pleasure give up all here & all beyond the grave for you.  
I was and am yours, freely & most entirely, to obey, to honour, love & fly with 
you when, where, & how you yourself might. 
Forever, Your Billy.

Billy picks up the letter, seals it with wax and goes to leave.
Close up of Billy blowing out the desk candle.

(Title Sequence)

Mid shot of sky, pans down to a long shot of Billy, walking towards the camera.  Medium close up of Billy's face, camera pans round and follows Billy walking past.  Close up of the letter in Billy's hand.  Long shot of Billy walking towards the camera, fades to white.

Long shot of couple sitting under a isolated tree.

Billy is laying down next to Elizabeth, who is sitting up and concentrating on reading her book, trying extremely hard to not get distracted by Billy. Billy is playing with Elizabeth's hair, and then tucks the hair that is covering her face behind her ear. He then slowly kisses her cheek.

You continue to be a distraction.

Stop reading then.

I am doing this, sir, to improve my mind.

(Taking her book)
Your mind doesn't need improving.

(Holding out her hand)
Give me my book...


(Reaching over Billy to get her book)
Give me my book....

Elizabeth reaches over Billy and goes to grab the book. Billy moves it out of her reach.  They continue to laugh.  (Fades to white).


 Long shot of
Elizabeth walking over a bridge. She reaches half way, when Billy catches up with her. He grabs her hand and pulls her round to face him.

Don't go. Stay with me.

I can't...

You can. We can be happy.

I can't. We can't. This, us. It can never happen.

Elizabeth then turns away from him and walks away, trying to stop herself from crying. Billy is left alone on the bridge, looking at Elizabeth walk away.

Cross dissolve to present time.  Billy walks the final road to the house.  Mid shot of Billy's face, pans  down to the letter in his hand. 

Delivery of the Letter

Mid shot of letter in Billy's hand which pans left as he walks towards the maid.  CLOSE UP OF Letter in BILLY's hand.  Camera pans right from cobbled floor to the letter in Billy's hand. BILLY goes to give the Maid the letter.  Medium long shot of maid from over Billy's shoulder. 

I'm not giving it to her.

Mid shot of Billy's face.  Close up of Letter in Maid's hand.  Mid Shot of maid.

Stop wasting your time... She's not going to read it.

Mid shot of Billy's face. Billy remains still for a second.  He then walks away.  Medium long shot of maid reaching out as he passes to give him the letter back.  Billy does not take it.  Mid shot of Maid watching him walk away.
Long shot of Billy walking away.   When BILLY is no longer in sight, the maid looks at the letter, medium long shot of letter in her hand, and then  throwing the letter away.  Close up of letter dropping into shot.  High angled shot looking down on letter.  Camera zooms in on "Elizabeth"

Fades to white. 

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