Tuesday 26 April 2011

1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The Title of the Film

The first screen shot is of our title, 'Devotion'.  For all of our title images, we chose to make it look like it has been painted onto parchment paper.  We felt this set the period, but also to give the film a homely, warm feel which conveyed Billy's character.  By using brown, muddy colours, it suggests a country lifestyle, which once again reflects Billy.  
We chose to use a clear, handwritten style for our font.  We tried to make the writing look messy to try and portray Billy's uneducated background.  However, when we put the font on the background it clashed with the patterns, and was not clear to read.  From our research we saw that most period drama's use handwritten fonts.  We therefore concluded to stay with the style, but to find a simpler version.  I feel this works better than our original idea.  Whereas the messy and exaggerated font showed the background of Billy, the simpler font suggests the plainess of Billy's life.  Therefore, the development of font ideas worked in our favour to what we wanted to convey to the audience.  

This style of titles has been used in Sherlock Holmes and Emma.  These two films influenced us to do a similar title sequence.  However, the title sequence of Sherlock Holmes goes from footage to a screenshot, which is then turned into a drawing/painting.  We wanted to produce a similar effect, however, because of the limited time given, we felt that the audience would become bored of the same shots being repeated from the title sequence in the main body of our film opening.  We therefore decided to keep the painted still images, and not to have moving images. 

However, other period drama films have moving images.  For example, the titles of Pride and Prejudice are shown before the main character, Elizabeth, is introduced.  The rest of the opening sequence is of Elizabeth walking from a field to her house.  As she walks through the house, the audience are introduced to the Bennett family, a location and the status of the family, all of which are important in setting the scene.

(Pride & Prejudice)

Titles can be introduced in different ways in a period drama.  Both ways introduce the characters, location and also suggest the status/class of those characters by costume/appearance. 

Setting and Location

The reason why we used the fields of Sandwich was to introduce the audience to the agricultural atmosphere of the film.  We wanted to convey Billy's background and class through the muddy, unkept fields.  This is similar to Pride and Prejudice.  Elizabeth is walking though the fields whilst reading a book.  The directors chose to do this to introduce Elizabeth's two favourite hobby's, walking and reading.  Both films introduce information about the main character.  However, we chose to make our information different to that of Pride and Prejudice.  We thought that the difference in background should be introduced and made clear to the audience from the very first shot of the film.

                                                    (Pride & Prejudice)                                                                 (Devotion)

The bridge where Elizabeth says goodbye to Billy was used as a symbol of separation between the two main characters.  Billy could not cross over the bridge to follow Elizabeth.  We wanted to imply that he could not cross because he is of a lower class to her, making the separation due to social standings.

Costumes and Props

Costume and props is the media convention that all films have.  See the costumes here.

The main prop of our film was the letter to Elizabeth.  This prop is the object that still connects Billy and Elizabeth, and keeps their relationship alive.  We therefore needed the prop to look as realistic as possible.  We chose a creme coloured paper, which conveyed the period of time.  White paper was rare to come across at this time, it would therefore be very unlikely that Billy would have white paper in his possession.  The writing on the letter also suggests the period, and is written in calligraphy.  This is a fancy, old-fashioned arty form of writing.  We used this to suggest the period, and also to suggest that Billy is making the effort to impress Elizabeth.

From our research, audiences connect with the elaborate costumes and props, that represent the period and era of the film.  Costume was therefore a main focus in our production to portray the correct period to our audience.
  • Inspiration for Billy's costume, based on Angel Clare, from Tess of the d'Ubervilles.
  • Inspiration for the Maid's costume, based on the maid, Estrella, from Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • Inspiration for Elizabeth's costume, based on Cosette, from Les Miserables. 
Camerawork and Editing

We wanted to have a smooth, soft transition between our title sequence, and the main body our opening sequence.  We did this by slowing the footage down so that it moved smoother, and then added a cross-dissolve to make the transition and sequence flow, and create the romantic feel of a period drama.
I chose this shot because we wanted to use a range of stylistic shots throughout our opening sequence. We took inspiration from the film director, Tim Burton.  In some people's opinions, his shots could be frozen and used as still images.  We liked this theory, and wanted to try the same methods to artistically entertain our audience.

(Mr Darcy - Letter scene)

(Billy - Letter Sequence) 


We have written a very typical storyline of the genre.  Often, period drama's evolve around the struggle and discovery of a "decent marriage".  Often the "true love" is not eligible for the other.  Our diegesis fits in perfectly with this structure, which means it fits in with the genre. 

How does the opening set up the narrative?

We are shown the important early stages of the relationship between Billy and Elizabeth.  Billy's favourite memory of the two of them sitting, laughing together, to his least favourite, when Elizabeth says goodbye.  These two flash backs show the compatibility of the pair, and also the heartache that the two feel by being apart.  We are not told however the reasons why Elizabeth leaves.  The audience will become intrigued and will want to know the reasons behind this sudden disappearance. 

We are also told that Billy continues to write to Elizabeth to keep the relationship alive.  However, the audience know that the Maid throws the letters away.  Billy believes that he can trust the maid to give the letters to Elizabeth.  By the gesture the Maid makes of letting the letter fly away, suggests she has a reason behind her actions.  The audience gain interest, and want to know the reasons behind the gesture.  


Genre is introduced through all the elements used within our production.  Music, costumes, set/location, props, titles, etc. all help to establish the film as a period drama.  Letter writing, for instance, is a main form of communication within period drama's.  It is a main form of communicating important news, and audiences are introduced to changes within the storyline many times within real period drama films through the character reading the letter.  
The music also suggests classical, and a romantic atmosphere.  It sounds similar to other period drama film scores, and so fits in with this genre.  
This therefore establishes the film to be within the genre of a period drama. 

Costume is the second biggest sign that our production is a period drama.  Throughout the opening sequence, all the characters are dressed in regency attire, and so appear to be of a non-modern era.  Their accents then reflect their costumes.  For instance, Elizabeth speaks in a well-spoken, "proper English" way.  This reflects her character, and her status.  Both of which are continual themes within the genre of period dramas. 

Character Introductions

Billy, the protagonist, is introduced straight away.  This is similar to Pride & Prejudice, where the audience is introduced to Elizabeth first.  We felt that this suggests Billy is the main character to emotionally connect with.  We wanted to imply that his story and thoughts/emotions were the most important to follow. 

Elizabeth, the woman who is addressed in the letter is introduced as the romantic interest of Billy.  We first see Elizabeth in Billy's imagination (flashbacks).  This suggests that Elizabeth is an important part of Billy's life, and still is within his thoughts.  The two flashbacks however are of Elizabeth being attached, and interested romantically interested in Billy, to then suddenly leaving him.  This implies Elizabeth's and Billy's confusion in their relationship, which, from our research is shown in many other period drama's.  

The Maid is introduced as the character who is Billy's only way of communicating with Elizabeth.  She is also introduced as the character who prevents Billy and Elizabeth's relationship being maintained as she throws the letters away.   Making the maid the antagonist. 

Special Effects

We did not use any special effects in our production.  Our storyline did not require any, and from our research we saw that this convention is not typically used within period drama's with a romantic narrative.  

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