Tuesday 26 April 2011

2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media product represents the class differences that are typically shown in a period drama.  From our research, we found that common problem keeping the lovers apart was class/status differences and lack of wealth and connections.  The importance of a "good marriage" for their daughters was of great importance to mothers such as Mrs Bennett (Pride and Prejudice).  From the chosen period, this was a strong theme that appeared in many films/novels.  We decided to use the same theme of love, but have our main character as a man, instead of the typical woman role.  We saw that it was rare for the man to be of the lower class.  We felt this made our production more unique and therefore different and appealing to our audience.

Billy (Devotion) & Robbie (Atonement) 

Billy Walters is a young boy from a poor background.  He seeks to regain the romantic interest of his first love, Elizabeth Harding. 
His social class, which is lower/working class, is represented through his accent, costume and character background.  Billy was raised on a farm.  His mother and father died shortly after Billy was born, leaving him to the care of his Aunt and Uncle.
The costume is basic in its appearance.  A white, ripped shirt, black trousers, brown tattered waistcoat.  His hair is messy and unkempt, suggesting his day consists of work, and therefore does not need to look presentable.
The the character's dialect is colloquial throughout the flashback sequences.  However, we see a contrast in character when Billy tries to write a well-spoken letter to Elizabeth, in hope that she will appreciate and respect him as a gentleman. 
We decided that Ash should play Billy.  We felt that his gestures were not proud, or arrogant, and we felt that Billy would not have these qualities.  His accent is not "posh English", and therefore does not represent a gentleman in the way he speaks. 

Billy is based on the character Robbie Turner from Atonement.  Robbie is the son of the Tallis family servant and he falls in love with the families daughter, Cecilia.  Robbie would therefore be from a similar background to that of Billy. 
Both actors have dark brown hair, the stereotypical "tall, dark and handsome" appearance that are in most period dramas.  For example, Mr Darcy (Pride and Prejudice).
Billy's costume would not be as realistic as Robbie's.  Robbie, however, is in a moderner time than Billy.  His costume would have been easier to find, and less expensive to purchase.  We found that the realistic costumes were too expensive to buy for our production.  We therefore had to be creative and basic in what costume we chose for Billy.  However, the cheaper the clothes, the more effective it would look for that character's costume. 

Mr Darcy (Pride and Prejudice - BBC Adaptation)

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